Program Schedule – Understanding Indonesia Conference Overview 2024

Thursday 5 December 2024 – Building Blue 1.1.01 Lecture Theatre

8:00amMeet and Greet, and Networking
8:30amWelcoming Remarks
Dr Nathan Franklin
Charles Darwin University
8:35amAddress by Professor Scott Bowman
Charles Darwin University
8:40amAddress by Ms Kate Heelan
Chairperson of the Australian Institute of International Affairs (AIIA) – NT Branch, and
Chairperson of the Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC) – NT Branch
8:45amSpecial commentary: “The bilateral relationship from my perspective”
The Honorable Luke Gosling
Member of the House of Representatives, Australian Federal Parliament, Member for Solomon,
8:55amSpecial commentary: “The bilateral relationship in broad terms”
Mr Todd Dias
Consul-General in Makassar, Indonesia, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
9:05amQ+A Session (10 minutes)
Session 1
Session 1 Theme: International Relations and Indonesia as a Middle Power
Panel Chair: Dr Kate Golebiowska

Indonesia and its relationship with ASEAN
Professor Dewi Fortuna Anwar
Academic of the Social Science Commission-Indonesian Academy of Sciences (AIPI)

Rise of Eastern Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr Yanuar Nugroho
Senior Lecturer at Driyarkara School of Philosophy, Jakarta

Understanding the Australia-Indonesia bilateral relationship from a Northern Australian Perspective
Dr Nathan Franklin
Charles Darwin University

10:45amBreak – Morning Tea – Building Blue 1.1.14 / 1.1.35 (Break for 15 minutes)
Session 2
Session 2 Theme:
Panel Chair: Assoc. Prof Jon Mason

From Villain to Hero: The Role of Disengaged Terrorists in the Social Inclusion Effort
Dr Haula Noor
Australian National University

Regional Dilemma: An Indo-Pacific Region for the States or the New Normal
Mr Andre Siregar
Charles Darwin University / Indonesia Consul General Houston, Texas
12:00pmBreak – Lunch – Building Blue 1.1.14 / 1.1.35 and outside (Lunch for 1 hour and 15 minutes)
Session 3
Session 3 Theme: Democratic Institutions and State Ideology
Panel Chair: Peter Lilly

‘Slow Process is Still Progress’: protecting and Safeguarding Traditional Knowledge and Traditional Cultural Expressions in Indonesia
Dr Dina Kariodimedjo
University of Gadjah Mada

Political Revenge: Downgrading Indonesia’s Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) from Hero to Villain
Prof David Price
Charles Darwin University
2:15pmBreak – Afternoon Tea – Building Blue 1.1.14 / 1.1.35 (Break for 30 minutes)
Session 4
Session 4 Theme: The Movers and Shakers Whom History Forgot or Chose to Remember
Panel Chair: Ayu Pramitasari

The Pancasila Ideology Direction Bill (RUU-HIP) – A Missed Opportunity
Dr Adam James Fenton
Coventry University

Pahlawan, Pengkhianat atau Penjahat; Hero, Traitor or Villain: A Personal Journey Through Indonesian History
Dr Steven Farram
Charles Darwin University
3:45pmConcluding Remarks – Conference End